


文章出处:四六级一笑而过 网站编辑:etrans发表时间:2018-12-18 14:47


滑冰,亦称“冰嬉”(ice play)。早在宋代,我国就已经有了滑冰运动,不过,那时不叫滑冰,而称之为“冰嬉”。“冰嬉”包括速度滑冰、花样滑冰以及冰上杂技(acrobatic skating)等多种项目。滑冰运动不仅能够增强人体的平衡能力和柔韧性,同时还有很好的减肥效果。在冰面上自由奔驰,既能放松心情,又能获得融入自然的乐趣。
Skating, also known as ice play, had already come into being in China as early as the Song Dynasty when it was not named skating but “ice play”. Ice play includes varied kinds of events such as speed skating, figure skating and acrobatic skating. Skating not only can strengthen the body’s balance ability and flexibility, but also has a pretty good effect on weight loss. When running around freely on the ice, you can gain both a relaxed mood and the fun of integrating into nature.
京剧(Peking Opera),被称为中国的国剧,起源于18世纪晚期,是将音乐、舞蹈和艺术综合于一体的戏曲。在中国,京剧是最具影响力和代表性的戏曲,它有着200多年的历史,是中华民族的瑰宝。京剧剧目 (repertoire)主要讲述前朝的传说和故事,其中包括重要的历史事件和王侯将相的故事。京剧有着丰富的剧目、众多的表演艺术家和大批的观众,对中国的戏曲发展有着深远影响。
Peking Opera, known as China’s national opera, originated in the late 18th century. It is a synthesis of music, dance and art. Peking Opera, a national treasure with a history of over 200 years, is the most influential and representative opera in China. The repertoire of Peking Opera is mainly engaged in the legends and stories of preceding dynasties, including important historical events and the stories of emperors, ministers and generals. With rich repertoire as well as a large number of artists and audiences, Peking Opera has exerted a deep influence over the development of operas in China.
多年来,中国一直是全球最大的国际学生输出国(exporter)。据官方统计,过去几年里,中国留学生数量以每年超过20%的速度在增长。有数据显示,去年,全球的国际学生中每六个就有一个来自中国。但是,随着中国人口结构(population structure)发生变化,国内选择日趋丰富,加上对国外人身安全的担忧增加,预计中国海外留学生的增长势头将陷入停滞 (stagnate)。
For years, China has always been the world’s biggest exporter of international students. The number of Chinese students leaving for overseas study has been growing at a rate of more than 20% a year over the past few years, according to official statistics. Data shows that one of every six of the world’s international students came from China last year. However, that growth is expected to stagnate due to a combination of the population structure changes, more options at home and rising concerns about personal safety abroad.
Topic 1
茶是中国人日常生活中不可或缺的饮料(beverage)。中国人对泡茶非常挑剔,常用泉水、雨水或雪水来泡茶。其中,泉水和秋天的雨水最好。水质和味道最为重要,好的水必须是纯净、凉爽、清澈流动的。茶在中国人的情感生活中扮演了重要的角色。到中国人家里做客,主人总是立刻就敬上一杯茶。上茶不只是礼貌,它还象征着团结,代表着尊重,代表着主人与客人共享美好时光。主人倒茶(pour tea)只倒七分满,此外杯中三分装的是友情和关爱。

For Chinese people, tea is an indispensable beverage in their daily life. Chinese people are very particular about making tea. To make tea, they often use spring water as well as rain and snow water, among which spring water and rain water in autumn are considered to be the best. In terms of water, the emphasis is put on the quality and taste, and fine water must be pure, cool, and clearly flowing. Tea plays an important role in Chinese emotional life. It is always offered immediately to a guest in Chinese. 
Topic 2
中医起源于6 000多年前的神农氏,这位著名的中国古代药王所生活的时代被认为是中医发展的萌芽阶段(embryo stage)。中医学在长期的发展过程中,逐渐形成了一整套医学原则和观点。首先,中医认为“万物人为贵”。中医将“救死扶伤”视为职业道德规范。第二,中医注重无病防病,强调以食补(food treatment)来延缓衰老,减少疾病。第三,中医理论认为,社会环境与自然环境相互作用、互为依存,人的身心也是一种相互作用、互为依存的关系。
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated from Shennong, the famous king of medicine in ancient China who lived more than 6 000 years ago. The time Shennong lived is considered to be the embryo stage in the development of TCM. During its long process of development, TCM has gradually developed a complete set of medical principles and concepts. First, it believes that “nothing is more important than a human life”. It regards “healing the sick and rescuing the dying” as its professional ethics. Second, it pays attention to the prevention of diseases, advocating the food treatment approach to defer senility and reduce diseases. Third, according to the TCM theory, the relationship between the social environment and natural environment, as well as the relationship between the human body and spirit is of mutual influence and interdependence.
Topic 3
在社交媒体快速发展的今天,一个很小的采访细节都可能被网络舆论放大而成为广受关注的公共事件。媒体自身的伦理和操守受到质疑(question)已经不是个别现象。因此,和很多社会服务领域需要不断改革和完善一样,随着时代的发展,媒体有必要建立属于自己的职业规范(occupation norm)和道德评议(moral evaluation)制度。媒体应及时发现自身存在的问题,避免报道失误,赢得公众信任,以更好地记录现实和报道新闻。
Nowadays, with the rapid development of social media, a tiny detail in the interview could be greatly enlarged by the public opinion on the Internet and become a public event that draws considerable attention. It is not rare that the media is questioned in ethics and principles. As a result, with the development of times, the media should establish its own occupation norm and moral evaluation system, just as many social service sectors need constant reform and improvement. In order to record the realities and report news better, the media should recognize its own problems in time to avoid mistakes in reports and win public trust.



