文章出处:未知 网站编辑:etrans发表时间:2019-01-16 15:12
- 三国 Three Kingdoms
- 六出祁山 Zhuge Liang’s six northern expeditions/campaigns against Cao Wei
- 竹林七贤 Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest
- 三国志 Records of Three Kingdoms
- 晋朝 Jin dynasty
- 八王之乱 The War of Eight Princes
- 永嘉之变 Disaster of Yongjia
- 五胡乱华 Five groups of barbarians invaded Northern China
- 鲜卑 Xianbei 或者 Siber
- 嚈哒 Hephthalite
- 罽宾(犍陀罗)Gandhara
- 十六国 Sixteen Kingdoms 或者 Sixteen States
- 祖逖北伐 Northern Expeditions of Zu Ti
- 兰亭集序 Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Poems
- 书圣(王羲之)Master of Chinese calligraphy
- 田园诗 Poetry of Chinese Fields and Gardens
- 山水诗 Poetry of Chinese Landscapes
- 清谈:貌似没有很好的对应,直接说Qingtan或则Pure Conversation,然后解释,比如a popular type of conversations about Taoist philosophies in Jin dynasty
- 淝水之战 Battle of Fei River
- 前秦 Kingdom of Former Qin
- 晋书 Book of Jin
- 南北朝 Southern and Northern dynasties
- 北魏 Northern Wei 或者 Tuoba Wei
- 东魏 Eastern Wei
- 西魏 Western Wei
- 北齐 Northern Qi 或者 Northern Chi
- 北周 Northern Zhou 或者 Northern Chou
- 南朝宋 Liu Song dynasty
- 南朝齐 Southern Qi 或者 Southern Chi
- 南朝梁 Liang dynasty
- 南朝陈 Chen dynasty
- 孝文帝改革 Reform of Emperor Xiaowen
- 汉化 Sinicization(动词 Sinicize)
- 鲜卑化 Xianbeilization
- 云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes
- 龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes
- 鸠摩罗什 Kumarajiva
- 达摩 Bodhidharma
- 禅宗 Zen
- 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism 或者 Amidish(但是有争议)
- 华严宗 Flower Garland School
- 天台宗 Tiantai School 或者 Tendai School
- 密宗 Esoteric School
- 法相宗 Faxiang School,Dharma Characteristic School 或者 East Asian Yogacara
- 妙法莲华经 Lotus Sutra
- 柔然:一般就是Rouran,以前有个争议性蛮大的Avar
- 六镇起义 Riot of Six Military Towns
- 侯景之乱 Rebellion of Hou Jing
- 齐民要术 Essential Techniques for People’s Welfare
- 水经注 Commentary on the Water Classic
- 世说新语 A New Account of Tales in the World
- 吐谷浑 Tuyuhun Kingdom
- 象雄 Zhang-Zhung
- 敕勒(其实就是铁勒、高车) Tiele
- 关陇集团 Military clans of Guanzhong and Longshan
- 士族 Nobel clans 或则 Shizu clans
- 庶族 Normal clans 或者 Shuzu clans
- 府兵制 Local Militia system 或者 Fubing system
- 玉树后庭花 Jade Tree and Backyard Flowers
- 南史 History of Southern Dynasties
- 北史 History of Northern Dynasties
- 魏书 Book of Wei
- 北齐书 Book of Northern Qi
- 周书 Book of Zhou
- 宋书 Book of Song (注意和后面的宋史区分)
- 齐书 Book of Qi(这是南朝齐的二十四史)
- 梁书 Book of Liang
- 陈书 Book of Chen
- 玉台新咏 New Songs from the Jade Terrace
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