文章出处:网络 网站编辑:etrans发表时间:2018-12-20 15:20
SDL 公司采访了参加今年美国译协年会的译员们——如果让你给译员一条2019年的翻译建议的话,你会说什么?译员们分享的实实在在的好建议了解一下!
Find or refine your niche! Specialization and subject matter expertise are more important than ever.
— October 25, 2018
Never stop learning! Subject-matter knowledge is what sets us apart as professionals.
— October 26, 2018
Specialize and become a technology guru.
— October 27, 2018
Be creative with how you use technology and specialize.
— October 28, 2018
You probably hear this all the time, but it really does pay to have a specialism. Specializing in a certain industry or sector will help you develop knowledge and become a subject matter expert in your field. It will also help you stand out from the crowd, as your specialist knowledge will give you an advantage over another translator who does not know that particular industry as well as you.
Make time for professional development, it pays off in more ways than one!
— October 26, 2018
Get to know your fellow translators! They’re not your competitors, they’re your network and your resources.
— October 29, 2018
Work on getting more direct clients and use SDLTrados Studio to manage all your projects. It pays off!
努力获得更多的直接客户,并使用SDLTrados Studio管理所有项目。皇天不负有心人!
— October 25, 2018
“Accept change as the only constant factor and adapt, grow, and prosper.”
— October 27, 2018
Knowledge is everything and as a translator, you should always want to learn or improve your professional and business skills. However, with regular deadlines from clients – as well as all the other tasks that go with running your own freelance translation business – we know it can be tough for you to make time for your own professional development.
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